The Deseret News today runs a story on how the 3rd Congressional District race is interesting, but not close. In one part of the article, candidates Jason Chaffetz and Karen Hyer offer their opinions on immigration. At the bottom are the comments from the reader, and I offered my comment:
Lock down the border and demand visas, then, Jason. But, oh, I wish we would legalize more immigration, doing background checks at the border (which we are not doing but ought to if we really want to fight crime), but then letting these immigrants in. Not having paperwork is wrong, and should have consequence, but it is not worthy of such an outcry as we have. As a candidate myself, running for Utah House District 41, I argue the immigrant comes seeking refuge, and seeking happiness, only to be told to seek it elsewhere. At the entrance to our nation, we post a welcome sign. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free," we say. Then we turn around and say, "Whoops, sorry. Our mistake. You're not actually welcome here." Legalizing immigration would solve the very ills we accuse the immigrant of. All citizens are under the same obligation to pay taxes for social assistance and the same obligation to not lower wages by working under the table. Let's make it fair for us just by being fair to them, by giving them the right simply to exist on American soil. -- John Jackson
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