So, a federal judge has decided not to throw out a lawsuit by states wanting to block Obamacare.
There's an interesting story over at Carl Wimmer's Facebook page, suggesting Utah and Wimmer's legislation played a key role in Judge Vinson's decision.
Wimmer says Vinson, in making his ruling, looked to whether any of the states bringing the lawsuit had a law on their books against it before Obamacare was passed.
Utah did.
Earlier this year, Wimmer introduced the legislation, which requires Utah to reject any provisions of health care legislation deemed not in the state's interest.
In crafting the legislation, Wimmer chose not to go the constitutional amendment route, like many other states were doing, as that takes time and he wanted the law in place quicker.
He placed in his legislation a provision that if two-thirds of each house approved his bill, it would go into effect immediately.
That happened. And, Gov. Herbert signed the law into effect March 22. One day later, President Obama signed the national health care bill, Obamacare, as we call it.
So, Wimmer's bill was in place one day ahead of what became to be the deadline.
I understand Missouri also had a law in place in time.
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