If we would lead the world in medicine, would it be an advantage to teach not just those going into medicine, but others, as well, about medicine? Every person is a consumer in the health care industry, so teaching us all could be beneficial.
People sometimes become more interested in diseases and problems once those diseases and problems are their own. And, it is often not until middle age or later that many of the diseases and problems occur. So, if you follow the reasoning that the time to teach a person is at the point he or she becomes interested in the topic, when is the best time to teach medicine?
Often, it is in mid-life, or in the senior years.
Is it not said, necessity is the mother of invention? Solutions are often found by those desperate to find them. Wouldn't we be utilizing this principle if we had an avenue for teaching medicine to those in their mid-life and senior years?
Perhaps it would have to be a more flexible program than sending them back to college full-time, and less expensive than our current medical degrees are, but teach the mid-lifers and seniors, all the same.
With those who need medicine being motivated to learn all about it, and with desperation being a motivator of invention, why not funnel the energy by allowing those who become patients to also become those who seek out medical cures? They are not in position to come up with solutions if they are not educated.
So, educate them.
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