If you would to be a great nation, remember, the most industrious nation wins.
A week ago, I blog of how if you would be great in science, or medicine, or basketball, or whatever, you should train your people in those things. Common sense, that is. You can't be great at something if you do not prepare to do it well.
It follows, then, that the lazy nation falls to last. If it is the nation that trains, that prepares, that wins, then it is the nation that busys itself training and preparing. Training and preparing take time. If the citizens are spending too much time watching television or movies, then that is time away from studying and learning, time away from training and preparing.
Never a great football player was there who didn't practice. Never a great musician who didn't devote time to becoming great.
The danger of alcohol and drugs to a society? This is one. The danger of TV and movies? They can inspire and lift and those watching can learn creativity through what they watch. But, if watching movies is but a way of passing time, they are not the way to success.
Idleness is not industry.
That nation whose people spend time training themselves is the nation that will have the advantage. If the people of that nation train in science, they have chance to be great in science. If they train in soccer, they have chance to be great in soccer. It follows then, that the more citizens who train in various endeavors, the greater will be that nation.
It is the industry of its people that makes a nation great.
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