If education is such a good thing, why should it end? We teach until high school, and then, for some, on through college.
And, then we say, enough.
Why? If education is so essential for 16 years, why does it suddenly end? Is it because, with graduation, we have learned all there is to learn, or, at least, all that is necessary to learn? I would say, one person learns one thing during the window of education, and another learns another. Both could go on learning helpful things right up till the day they die.
We already have adult education classes, and, no, I'm not calling for making that mandatory. College is not mandatory, yet many attent, smply because society lauds the benefits and encourages it. Maybe the education is reduced to a couple hours each week, but it continues, the same. It would be wonderful if we had not just classes, but degree-offering programs, encouraging us to keep on learning right up to the end of our lives. Keep on teaching us, even in our retirement homes. For it is said, it is never to late to learn. Let us believe that adage, and let us live it.
There is HB60 in Utah that allows senior citizens to take classes at a college level.