Contrary, my dear Watson -- I mean, my dear legislature -- rather than harming our appeal of the same-sex marriage ruling, passing legislation banning discrimination could help it.
My thought is, the appeal should make it clear Utah does not discriminate against those of same-sex. From reading the news stories on the briefs the state has filed, I think that point is being made in our appeal.
So, how could it hurt if Utah passes a law against discrimination? We believe marriage is between a man and a woman, but we also believe in treating those of same-sex affections right. We believe in loving them, and in not discriminating against them.
So, no harm passing a law that says as much.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints backed up Salt Lake City in 2009 when the city passed a anti-discrimation law. It meant quite a bit to one of my gay friends who worked at the bookstore that the church did this. I read recently in Wikipedia that th church hoped this would be a model for other cities and counties in Utah. And I wonder if this is why Senator Urquhart sponsored a similar bill the past few years.