Student loans, student debt: This is more than a question of economics. It is a question of what our values are as a society. Do we teach debt? Do we practice it? Do we make it an integral part of the path thru life? It is a question of how we treat people, our young people. Do we start their lives by shoving them in debt?
Now, speaking of the national debt and our non-inclination to pay for it, how are we to expect a people to value not having a large debt when they learn right out of the blocks to take it upon themselves to have a large one? By having them take out large student loans, we teach them in their young adulthood that it is necessary, and some of them transfer that same attitude to the national deficit, concluding that debt, too, is acceptable.
Yes, this is more than being about economics. It is about what values we choose to have, as a people. It is a question of how we order our society and what things we do and do not think are right to establish as pathways through life. If we think the accumulation of debt should be the part of everyone's path thru life, we are on the right course, but I do not think it is. I do not think the accumulation of debt should be part of our pathway thru life.
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