Sometimes, the truth is all you've got. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
And, if we are to tell the truth in the same-sex marriage question, we must tell the courts why we believe marriage should just be between a man and a woman. And, that means dragging the Bible into the courtroom.
"As our first and key piece of evidence, your honor, I'd like to quote from Mark 10."
"Excuse me?"
"Yes, your honor, I'd like to quote scripture."
"Well then?! . . . Proceed."
"These are the Savior's words. He had just been asked if it was lawful for a man to put away his wife. Jesus countered by asking what Moses had commanded. The Pharisees replied that Moses suffered them to write a bill of divorcement. Now, listen to what Jesus said, for he speaks of marriage as being between a man and a woman. These are the Savior's words: 'For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.' Now, judge, this next part begins, 'For this cause,' and I take that to mean that because God made them male and female. He says, 'For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.' " In other words, because they are man and woman, therefore shall they be married. It seems the Savior is defining marriage as being between a male and a female.
The judge frowned.
"Your honor. I know you are wondering how I ever expect to win this case if I base it on scripture, for many would say scripture and religion have no basis for determining the law of the land."
"I'm sure that will, indeed, be an argument," the judge replied.
"It is the basis of our argument, Judge. And, I believe . . .
(Blog to be continued. It is bedtime.)
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