If you have a joint bank account with someone, and they handle it irresponsibly, you are wise to get the account out of their name. If, therefore, your financial partner runs a bill up for $17 trillion more than what you have in the bank, you should have the right to say, "No-no-no! I'm taking the checkbook away from you! I'm taking it away from you and giving it to the states."
Then, you turn over as much of your governing to the states as possible, noting the Constitution already provides that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states. This means all social welfare matters are no longer the function of the federal government.
I do consider the overspending by the federal government to be serious enough a thing that we should rip such programs from Uncle Sam. Go about it in whatever way is necessary and proper. Demand it by virtue of the Tenth Amendment. Demand it by the states banding together to assert their rights. Demand it with rallies and protests and petitions. Demand that the federal government abdicate all programs states can run just as well as the central government can. (Perhaps consider letting the feds keep programs that are being run financially soundly -- those that are not overly expensive.)
This is what you do when you have given someone your checkbook, only to see them run up a bill for $17 trillion more than what is in the account. You don't let the spending continue; you take the checkbook away.
Frankly, if we truly are a responsible people, we do this thing.
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