Should you only be allowed to come to America if there is a lobbyist who is willing to ask for you? Because sometimes I think that is the angle of much of the current legislative effort in Washington.
Should your right to come to America be based on whether you are educated? Or whether you can benefit American industry? I can't help but notice there are likely lobbyists asking for both.
Give me your hungry, your poor, your huddled masses? Sometimes I think that has been changed to, Give us those who can make a dime for us, and those we can make a dime off of.
What have we become? What are our morals in this matter? What will be the basis of our immigration policies? Are we to say, come to America, the land of the lobbyist, and come if a lobbyist invites you?
The poor immigrants. We've already made it so they pretty much need a lawyer. I guess we might as well also make it so they need a lobbyist, as well.
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