There is a difference in the roles of men and women, in God's plan. Turn to The Family: A Declaration to the World, and read:
"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."
When God created man and woman, He only gave to one the power to bear children. Did He slight the male in that action? I think not.
Will women ever be given the priesthood? I am not in position to know. I do not know so much as whether, in a way, women already have the priesthood. That is not saying they do. That is just saying that is how little I know.
At this time of Kate Kelly and her Ordain Women organization, perhaps we might wonder on these things. But, neither you nor I know, nor are we likely to be told. God has prophets to speak to, so if He is to speak on this matter, He will speak through them.
I do wonder if Kate Kelly and her group want change -- want women to have the priesthood -- if they ought to be appealing straight to God. Perhaps they are. I only say that since prophets get their direction from God, you cannot expect them to make the change because you say it should happen. That direction would have to come from God. So, Kate Kelly's group, it would seem, should be appealing to God to speak to the prophets.
But, I do know that women and men have different roles. They were created different and they were given different tasks.
Another thing to note, is that God is a male. How much weight you give to that, in wondering whether women will ever be given the priesthood, and in considering on the different roles of men and women, I do not know.
But, it does seem to have some pertinence.
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