Not long after awaking this morning, I thought of last night's blog, and then thought of a friend in need. So poor is he as to not even have a television. I would be sure he lives off disability. At any rate, it hit me with a little bit of force how important it is that we do provide care for people such as him.
I wondered if sometimes, those who raise their hands get more care than those who don't. I wondered if he shies from government assistance. Surely he takes it, for I cannot see how he could survive at all without it. But, I look around and see others who receive more. I think of another friend on disability who once came home with a brand new expensive vehicle. I knew his income was but government aid, yet he had a vehicle I would never be able to afford.
Ohh, we must not short the ones who shy from getting help. Our system needs to be remade, so it is not the handraisers who have the advantage. As it is now, if you are turned down, you can appeal to a judge. Now, if you bring a lawyer to the hearing, your odds of winning the appeal are the best. Thus, the art of raising your hand higher than the next person is taken even to another level. This should not be. Need should be determined on basis of need, not loudness.
Everyone has heartache, not everyone speaks of it. Often it is the quiet ones who need the kindness the most.