Okay, I'm kidding. There is no such monthly measurement. It would be good if there were, though, as it would help us track the sources of income our society has. Whereas some job indicators come from survey data, the government assistance tracking should be easier, government simply releasing information (it would seem) already at its fingertips.
We could have an average payout, and breakdowns showing payouts to those in various income brackets. It would be a report in and of itself, as opposed to being just one number added to the jobs report. It would include a monthly breakdown of the percentage of people on each government program: Food Stamps, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SSI-Disabilities, etc.
It would help us track need, being an indicator of how many people are so short of personal funds they must turn to the government.
It would be an accounting to the people, disclosing monthly how much government money is being spent for our social programs.
Welfare has become a big part of our government, and government welfare a big part of our society. It is time we started tracking it monthly.
Good idea!