I do so wonder why some claim evolution of man is a scientific fact. I do not see that. At all. I find the theory of evolution flies in the face of scientific evidence. If evolution is a law of nature, then that law should work again, and again and again. If man on earth evolved once, why not some humanish creature a second time? And a third?
If evolution is a true principle, it doesn't just work once and quit. It works again and again. Why then, in all these millions and billions of years, should there be only one instance of man evolving from an ape? Why do we not find some other humanoid having evolved, or some other advanced creature capable of competing with man?
Just once?
I believe one of the tests of whether a scientific study is to be accepted, is that it can be confirmed by a second study. If man evolving from a common ancestor of the ape is to be listed as the study, where is the second study? Where is the second time this has happened? Forgive, but if you cannot come up with one, then perhaps you should consider that evolution does not fit squarely into the scientific method of evaluating what is true.
(Note: My argument is not that evolution did not occur. For my part, I do not know that. My argument is that there is this weakness in the evolution argument.)
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