Maybe my face didn't get smashed enough. I sit here, two and a half months after going over the handlebars of my bike and planting my face in the cement, wondering whether life can be rejuvenated through death (well, maybe not death, but through injury and rebirth).
Not my whole life, just the life and youth of my face. As a 60-year-old, my face no longer has the look of youth. Is there a process that would spark the cells to rejuvenate?
My thoughts drift to a story of how lasik eye surgery was discovered in the Soviet Union, Story has it, a man with impaired vision had a pop bottle splinter his eye. When the eye healed, presto!, his vision was restored. I wonder if the story has any validity at all, for a Wikipedia article, rather than mentioning that, credits the work of Columbian ophthalmologist Jose Barraquer, who cut slim slices of the eye to even it. It seems from the article that it isn't cell replacement that brings about the restored vision.
But, still I wonder about cell rejuvenation. I wonder if you can not kill, but stun the cells in a way to prompt rebirth. My thoughts go to shock treament, and how that gets the heart pumping again. I guess that is different, because the electric pulses start the heart to beating again, whereas skin cells have no beating or pumping process to shock back to life.
I also think of muscle building, and how it is said you break the muscles down in order to build them up. Could this also be true for skin rejuvenation?
I think of a guy I ran into this past week who said he gives blood and that it rejuvenates his body, with the new blood he produces being superior to the blood he gets rid of.
A quick word search shows me no such thing. It may be true, but if it is, I just am not finding it.
But, I do find something similar. A website speaks of ones own blood plasma being used to rejuvenate . . . skin! Yes, the results are fewer wrinkles and healthier looking, smoother skin.
Maybe instead of re-enacting my face plant -- with the hope of achieving even greater damage -- I should just get on a plane and fly down to Florida, and get this plasma treatment done.
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