Sunday, January 4, 2015

Science Lacks a Single Documented Case of Evolution

   If scientists are unable to produce on this one point, I believe, their theory that man and horse evolved from a common ancestor suffers heavily. 
   If I could, I'd tap them each on the shoulder and ask, "Hey, do you have even one documented case of what you are talking about? Is there, in all of recorded history, even as much as one documented case of bat after bat giving birth until little bit of change after little bit of change, eventually one gave birth to a bird? Just one documented case, that's all I'm asking for.
   Is there even one recorded case of a lion evolving from an elk?  I mean, has anyone ever followed a herd of cattle through the years until what once was an elk is now a lion?
  Argue, if you will, that there are, indeed, bones that, indeed, have been unearthed showing the transitions. You will say that they find one set of bones that looks halfway between a bat and bird, and that proves the point. No, that is not documentation; that is speculation. That proves you found a set of bones that looks halfway like a bat and halfway like a bird. 
   Bottom line is, science lacks a single documented case where one individual person or animal evolved into another.

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