Drop a ball, and give up a touchdown. I think of what I wrote the other day, of how we need a law against charges being unlawful if they are grossly beyond the value of the product. There is no such law, but there should be. It is a law that would protect people. It is a law that could plummet our hospital bills, thus bringing about as much improvement in our society as perhaps any single law could make.
But, if I don't push the idea, it will never catch on. If I only once suggest the law, then never blog on it or mention it again, I am like the football player who drops the ball and watches the other team scoop it up and score a touchdown. I think of the quote from John Stuart Mill: "Bad men need nothing more . . . that that good men should look on and do nothing,"
If this law has a crying need in our society, and might save our medical system, why should we not demand it, and keep on demanding it until the act is done?
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