The rioters of Baltimore and Ferguson and other cities? Treat them not as criminals, save for the crimes they commit. Yes, do prosecute them for rioting, for looting, for burning, for throwing rocks at police.
But, have some compassion.
If we can find a way to make their lives better, we should. The how-to, is the hard part. The what-to-actually-do, is the hard part. Improve their educations? How? Help those of them who are on drugs get off? How? Open more treatment centers and provide free treatments? I hesitate on that, but, perhaps if that really works, then do it. Give them jobs? Yes, find a way to give them jobs.
And, we must listen to the growing din of opinion that race is a factor in police violence. We must consider it and seek for a solution.
I think we stumble if we dismiss these protesters as criminals. They are people, citizens of our country, having good and bad characteristics, same as all of us. They may have faults, but we should not take their faults as excuse not to help them.
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