To say a person is intelligent, begs a question: What is it that he is intelligent at? I don't know that anyone is intelligent all across the board. Instead, are intelligent at a few things, and lacking in others.
The ability to reason is one of the most defining forms of intelligence. But, it is hardly the only form. Here, for your pleasure, I list some others.
The ability to remember. And, there are subcategories. Some can remember events from their life better than others. Another type, is to be able to memorize, to take a topic and remember the details.
The ability to estimate needs. Let's say, you have a weekly event, and are estimating each week how many will be there. The person with this type of intelligence is able to identify signs and factors that help him make a good guess as to how many people will come.
The ability to find a path, to see what it takes to get from point A to point B. The ability to earn money is a subcategory of this, as the person identifies what it will take to get him there.
The ability to analyze, to see all the factors, or all the parts of a whole.
The ability to perceive, to see recognize things that are going on around a person.
The ability to communicate, and to persuade.
The ability to create and invent.
The ability to concentrate, to not be distracted.
The ability to multitask.
Well, there are probably many others, but there I have given you a few.
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