Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Would be Fun to be a Practicing Journalist, to Write about Ammon Bundy

   Would be fun to be a practicing journalist at this time. For that matter, it would be fun if I had time to go to Bend, Oregon, to do pieces for this blog.
   There are fun stories that could be written. If so many people do believe in this retreaded Sagebrush Rebellion thing, why are not more joining in? Ammon Bundy invited them over, but I haven't heard that he had any takers from his plea for others to come join the occupation. I could interview some Utahns who believe believe in militias for the purpose of reining in government, and ask them why -- if they believe in this type of thing -- why aren't they rushing to join in? To busy? Have to stay here because they can't leave their jobs? Or, are the Bundys too fringe?
   Are there any Bend, Oregon, locals involved? How do the folks in Bend feel about the federal lands being turned over to them? Quoting them would make for a good story. 
   It would be fun to go visit the occupation, just to learn more as to who is involved, and if most of them belong to an existing militia, and to find out what the name of the militia is, and learn a little of its history. It would be fun to get their opinions as why they joined the cause and what led them to do so. And, I'd ask them their views on militias. That could be a relevant article. 
   What federal lands are they demanding be turned over to the locals -- just the land there in Oregon, or federal land everywhere? Where's Cliven? Is he in ill health, or why hasn't he joined them? Now, there's a story waiting to be written.
  What about back in Nevada? Whatever became of Cliven Bundy's situtation there? Is he still resisting to pay grazing fees? Are his cattle still grazing without the fees being paid? Why not have a similar occupation there? I'd ask Ammon why he is not having his occupation there? If it is he that believes in this, and not the people in Bend (admittedly, that is yet to be established), why not keep it to Nevada and not bother Oregon?
   Which brings back one more story. What do the locals in Nevada think of the Bundys? Have their views changed? Would they want a land hold up such as this taking place in their community?

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