The nation (or some of it) has a message for the NFL players: Conform to our code of conduct, or we will no longer associate with you. We will boycott your games.
Bless those who feel this way. They mean only to support America, and to support the flag that represents America, and to support the wishes of their president. Bless them for those things.
But, I wonder if it is better to love all people, even those who disagree with you. The essence of love is acceptance. We don't have to agree with them to love them, but we do pretty much need to accept them for who they are without requiring them to be like us. We do need to accept their right to have opinions that don't agree with ours if we are to love them. Telling them we will no longer associate with them is not showing love and is not showing tolerance for the beliefs of others.
If we would compel them to believe as we do, if we would fire them for having a different opinion, or shun them by boycotting them, we are not showing love. Nor are we living by the principles on which America was founded. When our flag flies, it flies as an emblem of free speech, and of free expression of opinion. We would condemn them for not standing for the flag? They could reply that we are not standing up for that which the flag represents.
If we are to practice both the principles of Christianity and of America, perhaps we should not reject the NFL players just because of their beliefs, perhaps we should not fire them, nor boycott their games.
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