The Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have a book of scripture I lean on. Today, I found in it a Book of Mormon passage that makes me wonder about one of our gun laws, and about our immigration law.
First, what does Helaman 5:2 say? It says their laws were established by the voice of the people and at that time, those who chose evil were more numerous than those who chose righteousness, "for the laws had become corrupted."
Likening the scripture unto our day, I wondered if any of our laws are corrupted -- are unjust laws.
Our Stand Your Ground law can be beneficial, spelling out that we have the right to defend ourselves. I respect those who feel it a good law, but I have a different opinion. I fully agree a person has the right to defend themselves. It is the way this law was written that I have a problem with. I see it as a law that allows a person to kill almost at will as long as he says he was only acting in self defense. These laws are written so that if you say, " I did it in self defense; I was afraid for my life," and there is nothing to prove you are wrong, then the killing is counted as justified.
I see much of the turmoil going on in our nation being caused by this unjust law.
Our immigration law, it is suggested, keeps us from being overrun and overpopulated, and from having more people than we do who are just here to take advantage of our welfare programs. I respect that opinion, but do not share it. I believe the right thing is to let in those who come because they love America, and who come because they want to join family, and who come because they want to work by the sweat of their brow. It does seem to me that it is an unjust law that keeps them out.
From my perspective of what is right and wrong, then, if I am to liken Helaman 5:2 to my time and this society, these are two of the corrupt laws we have placed on our books.
These are things we might disagree on. It is wonderful of you to have an opinion, even if it doesn't correspond to mine. I think it not wrong that either of us turn to the scriptures for guidance, not only in our personal lives, but in all things, including public issues. Others of you say these laws are not wrong, are not corrupt. If you picked the laws you saw as being corrupt, as being wrong, you might well pick some that I support.
Bless us both.
(Note: Blog was edited for content and changed a little 10/16/17.)
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