And, notice how often the guns were obtained legally. A Washington Post article counts all the weapons the killers had in their arsenals (not just the ones actually used in the shootings). We don't know how all the guns were obtained, but of the ones we do know of, 164 guns were obtained legally and only 39 illegally.
Whether we make them legal, then, perhaps does seem to affect how often they will be used in mass shootings.
The weapon? Now, you would ask if we should ban semiautomatics.
We've already banned automatics. Do we stretch a step further and ban semiautomatics, as well? This is not completely new territory. We banned a good share of assault (semiautomatic) weapons from 1994 to 2004.
One thought? We are already ignoring the Constitution. It says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
But, we cannot help but look at the statistics and wonder if we would not be a healthier society if semiautomatics were not legal.
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