Keep a sheriff next door, for the lawless peer down from hotels, wander into churches, and spray lead into school yards. Sometimes, you might want to have the sheriff right in the house. But, if you don't, at least have him within shouting distance.
With so many mass murders, law enforcement should be evolving, becoming equal to the threats we're facing. If no place is safe, then no place should be left unguarded. It has ever been, has it not, that if you need more officers, you hire more officers.
Law enforcement almost needs to be everywhere these days, a cop on every corner.
Others might argue for arming the populace, getting guns in the hands of as many people as possible. And, when the lawless one steps up, a gun-totting member of the public is there waiting, shooting him down in his tracks.
But, rather than saturating your crowds with guns that might be misused, it seems wiser to have no more guns than you need, and to try to direct them into the hands of those least likely to misuse them. Civilized societies have traditionally turned to law enforcement officers for law enforcement needs, and it seems the wiser choice, to me.
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