In the battle between chiropractors and medical doctors, I wonder if it isn't the chiropractors who stand on firmer scientific ground. They have more reason, common logic, and science behind them more than do the medical doctors.
The medical doctor will fuse your spine, basically cementing it. Tell me the solution to a inoperative back is to cement the flaw in place, to cement over the crushed disc so it cannot be repaired.
They will tell you a crushed disc is permanent. What really is permanent is the locking of the back in place through fusion. Tell me -- speaking scientifically and logically -- how repairing a back is best accomplished by cementing it from working as well as it should?
The chiropractor, on the other hand, seeks to restore the disc to health. If there needs to be more spacing between the vertebrae, the chiropractor does a series of adjustments to get it there. Each session, the bones are moved a little more towards where they need to be, till at last they are where they belong, and there is spacing between the vertebrae.
I think of it as being kind of an on-going surgery, or a series of surgeries, since each chiropractic session moves the disc a little more towards its goal.
The medical doctors might say it is impossible to heal the disc, but I've seen before-and-after x-rays. I have no reason to believe they were fraudulent. I've signed up for chiropractic care. My lower back is in the third of four phases of degeneration. I'm hoping the before-and-afters for my back will also show that recreating spacing between vertebrae is possible.
Here is my thought: How is it possible that well-practicing chiropractors have been correcting backs while medical doctors have continued to say it is impossible? Either the chiropractors are frauds, and it isn't happening, or the medical doctors are not taking enough time to step over to the chiropractors' offices to see for themselves. Hasn't it ever been that when advancements in medicine take place, the medical field welcomes and hails them and encourages doctors to practice them?
Medical discoveries just don't go unnoticed, especially for so many years. If the chiropractors are right, there must be many accounts of backs being rejuvenated.
So, what gives? Why have chiropractors not been welcomed in to the mainsteam of medical practice?
It might well be the chiropractic efforts will not benefit me significantly. The old adage says a fool and his money are soon parted. Perhaps, my $2,700 will be to the wind. But, I hope that will not be the case. It makes more sense to adjust the spine, to recreate the spacing between the vertebrae than to seal them from moving. If you want to correct something, you correct it. You don't make it so the correction can't be made. In this respect , the chiropractors' way of correcting the problem is more scientifically sound than that of the medical doctors.
(Edited and altered a little 11/20/17)
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