Take the company out of the doctor's office, and you'll take the crisis out of health care. Or, in the words of the great philosopher, Simplify, simplify, simplify.
Do you ever wonder if we shouldn't return to the pre-insurance days? They were simpler. And, they weren't so long ago. That was a day when you went in, paid a fee and the fee covered much of what was done, if not all.
Nowadays, you get a bill from the hospital, and it might have a hundred items listed.
If we removed as many accountants and insurance people as possible, and left the doctor to run his own business, we most likely would have a better medical world.
If we didn't have an accountant dictating a minimum number of visits per hour, that would make for a better medical world.
Fewer surgeries in hospitals, and more in the doctors' offices, that would help.
Some wise businessmen cut every unnecessary expense. If we believe in this, why don't we adhere to this business practice more in the field of medicine? Don't have surgeries in the hospitals if they can be performed in the doctors' offices because the hospital is the most expensive of medical settings. Cut unnecessary expenses and simplify, simplify, simplify.
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