A post comes across Facebook quoting Nancy Pelosi as saying, "We should only deport illegal aliens if they do something illegal."
I reply:
"I follow what she's saying, and I agree. Freedoms should not be lost unless you break a law. In this case, they are losing their freedom before a law is even broken. They are told they cannot come before they even try. I'm of a mind to say Nancy is right. Freedoms should not be taken away before a crime is committed. Ours is a nation of freedoms, and we, of all people, should be diligent in protecting them."
I pause, then re-enforce what I am saying with this:
"Freedom to migrate is a freedom until you take it away. If you are free to do it, it is a freedom. You might argue that we shouldn't give them this freedom, but I think you must concede it is a freedom until you take it away. I agree with Nancy that freedoms should not be taken way unless and until a crime is committed. As I just said, ours is a nation of freedoms, and we, of all people, should be diligent in protecting them, whether they are our own freedoms or the freedoms of others."
I think about it overnight, then add this:
"On second thought, I think I'm wrong on guessing what Nancy Pelosi was saying. I believe the immigrants shouldn't have the freedom to migrate taken away until after they commit a crime. But, I don't think that is what she is saying. I think she is saying simply that if they don't commit a crime in the U.S., then they should not be deported. So, I and Nancy don't have the same thought, after all."
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