The immigrant arose from his chair, walked up to the border, and stood at the podium, his press conference ready to begin. "Thank you for coming," he said to assembled media members. "I've an announcement of somewhat importance -- actually, great importance. There is a new assault on our freedom as immigrants. For years, we have had the freedom to cross this border if we had family members on the other side. That freedom in now being challenged. It is in danger. That basic human right -- the right to join family -- is now being challenged. You know what I speak of, don't you? There is a call to end 'chain migration,' which is the practice of allowing family members to join other family members on the other side of this border."
He pointed to the line in the sand that divided him from the journalists, for he stood on one side, and they on the other.
"Some speak of DACA," he said. "They speak of extending DACA in exchange for ending 'chain migration.' Should we be compelled to give up one freedom in order to keep another? Should our children be allowed lives in America as long as we promise not to join them? Are freedoms bartered that way? Would you barter your own freedoms that way? If someone said, you can keep your freedom of speech as long as you surrender your right to move about freely, would you do it?"
He looked deeply at the journalists, his eyes meeting theirs.
"You shouldn't have to give up one freedom in order to have another," he said, and he again looked searchingly at them. "One freedom should not be held hostage at the expense of another. That's not the way freedom works, is it?"
"Now. let me drive home the point I came to make," he continued. "We have enjoyed the right to join family members from the start. One family member comes to America to make a way for others, and the others soon follow. It has ever been that way. Taking this away, is to take away a freedom that has been with us from the very start. Taking this away, is to take away one of the cherished reasons for coming here. Till now, joining families was not considered a vile thing, nor a nefarious one. No, it was considered a wonderful thing. It was considered one of the best reasons of all for immigrating."
He pursed his lips and paused, then continued. "Journalists of America, I think you see why I called this press conference. We need to get word out about what is happening. One of the most basic of immigration freedoms is being lost. One of the most wonderful reasons for coming to America is being threatened. We need you, the press, to report what is going on. Please, I know you are reporting about this chain migration, but you are not reporting why it is significant. You are not reporting why this is such a loss. You are not reporting how one of the most cherished things about immigration is being endangered."
He looked across their faces one more time. "Please, could you?" he pleaded.
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