Is there a doctor in the house? Is there an economist, or an auditor, or someone who can analyze our national debt?
Is there someone who will pick it apart, dissect it, and tell us what has happened and what is happening. Of all the investigations we ought to be having, surely this is one. Let us investigate how we are spending more, where we are spending more, and how it has come to pass. How much have medicaid costs increased? How about government grants? Which ones are new? Is there an inflation factor in military spending? How much? Which increases are due to legislation? What bills have been the most expensive? What programs do we have in 2018 that we didn't 20 years ago?
Actually, a lot of such an "investigation" could be done right on line, by you and I. But, a lot of it couldn't. We could surely find how much spending has increased for the Department Health and Human Services, but could we find out why it has gone up and in which areas the spending has increased?
If the national debt is a crisis, we should be analyzing it, and seeking to determine how we have come to run up bigger and bigger bills. We investigate everything from airplane accidents to government corruption. Is not the national debt a major worry? Is it not a matter that has gone wrong.
It deserves an investigation, a big investigation.
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