I and my buddy Paul Simon are calling for an investigation.
"The mama pajama rolled out of bed
"And she ran to the police station
"When the papa found out he began to shout
"And he started the investigation."
A lot of sleeping has been done since the Kennedy assassination. And the Mama Pajama rolls out of bed, so to speak, and gets on down to the police station. I've just got a wondering that maybe we ought to roll out of bed, and get down the police station. The Papa needs to shout, and there needs to be a new investigation.
I've never given much mind to the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. I don't even know enough about them to distinguish between them and what are considered the real possibilities of what happened.
I remember so little, I find myself having to look up Jack Ruby to learn he wasn't Kennedy's killer, but the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was the killer of Kennedy. So, thinking Ruby must also be dead, I look it up and find out he died in prison, 1967. Convenient. Silenced. From Oswald to Ruby, a chain of silence. We never did learn if this was coincidence. We slept on it, instead. We went to sleep and now Mama Pajama needs to roll out of bed.
Maybe Jack Ruby did suffer from terminal illness. Maybe the death was natural enough. I don't know. But, I think we should be looking into it, yet.
Lee Harvey lived in Russia at one time. I don't know if the idea the Russians might have been involved is considered a conspiracy theory, of if that is something the conspiracists themselves laugh at. So, we have the murder of an American president, and we wonder if the Russians were involved. And we have the election of another American president, and we wonder how the Russians were involved. Is there a connection all the way back? If we would learn about Russia's current involvement, should we not look down the thread running all the way back to the Kennedy assassination? Isn't there some basic logic to doing this?
As I'm think on all this, I think how Russia has long been a propagandist entity. We look at their involvement today, and it is as if we suppose they just started messing with us, not doing so until the advent of the Internet and social media.
Well, maybe we should guess again. Maybe they've been around all along. They might have had different ways, and maybe they've become empowered more since social media burst on the scene, but the Russians have been the Russians all along. And, so, if they were into propagandizing us then, was the Kennedy assassination something they tried to influence our opinion on? And, what was the angle they sold? What was the message they spread? And, how did they go about selling their tale, back before the Internet?
"And he started the investigation"? Let's fire up a new one.
I find myself wondering about the investigation of the Kennedy affair. It seems they should have been able to find out what happened, what Lee Harvey Oswald's role was, and what role Jack Ruby played. Yes, I tend to think they should have been able to come up with some answers.
No, I'm not studied on this. But, I think I know enough to know that they didn't find many answers. It strikes me as odd: an investigation by some of the world's best investigators and yet they can't lay their fingers on what was behind it all.
So, me and Paul call for a new investigation. (Okay, I don't know that the singer would join in my cry for an investigation, but Mama Pajama and Papa surely ought to be wondering what happened.) Once the Mueller Investigation is over -- or maybe even as part of it -- we should reopen the investigation of the Kennedy assassination. And we should -- as part of it -- investigate the investigation. We should determine if the original investigation was a sincere and serious one. The agents of the present should investigate the agents of the past.
There are many who question Mueller. I have fewer qualms. I like him and many others who have been involved, including James Comey. I think we are blessed with men of integrity in them.
Let them, then, turn their investigation back more than 50 years. Let them brush the sands of time off the murder of one of our most beloved presidents in search of clues to as to all that is going on about us today.
In the seeds of the past are the tumbleweeds of today, maybe.
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