In February, there came a breaking point. Perhaps rushing to get in ahead of a wall that could be built, perhaps rushing to take advantage of law saying families could only be held in traditional detention facilities for 72 hours, and perhaps because they were being denied entry at the ports of entry . . .
They rushed the border. Extraordinary numbers: More than 76,000 of these "illegal aliens" came without permission.
I wonder at the debate against them. Each person to their opinion. And, yes, wonderful people are against them coming. Border phobia, to me. People fear their coming because they suppose they will overrun our land. They oppose them coming because they cannot see how we can absorb so many. They don't want them coming because they say they will crush our social net.
Mostly, they don't want them coming because they see their being here as a violation of law.
These are poor people, for the most part. They seek a better life. Some flee from government oppression, and many flee from gangs and violence.
We fear them, because we fear they bring the gangs with them.
Border phobia, I call it. Fear that if a person crosses a line, it will bring damage to those on the other side.
So, 76,000 of them came? Are there any early reports that they are overwhelming our hospitals? Any news, yet, on whether they are rushing to apply for welfare? Have some of them already joined up with the MS-13? The news should get on these stories. If this is the damage we fear, then let us get right on the coverage of it.
I don't doubt some of such things could be found. But, I will tell you this, there is more phobia involved than fact.
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