Lauren's Law: If you lend a gun out, and someone uses it to commit a felony, you can be sued.
Lauren McCluskey, University of Utah star track athlete, was killed with a borrowed gun. So, they drafted a bill, and tried to get it through the Utah Legislature. Named it after her. Yes, Lauren's Law.
It won't get passed. But perhaps it should. The man who shot McCluskey, Melvin Rowland, was a felon. If we can see felons shouldn't have guns, and we see they are still getting hold of them, why would we not do something about it?
If you can see a law would make a difference -- even if just a little bit of a difference -- why not enact that law?
If you knew someone was a felon, and they asked you to let them use your gun, and you knew you'd be liable if they went out and committed a crime with it -- wouldn't that severely affect whether you lent them the gun?
With all the shootings in America, and all the attention they receive, and all the anguish over doing something about it, we should be jumping to take some kind of action. If we see a law that would make a difference, we should pounce on it. If this will reduce the chances of guns falling into the hands of felons, that is exactly what we want to do.
Tell me, tell me, then, why a law such as this should not be passed. Amend it, if you must, so that only you are liable only when the weapons is given to a felon. At lease pass that.
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