Thursday, May 2, 2019

Having Open Borders is the Reasonable Approach to take

   Today's question is a simple one: Why not have open borders? Throw away what you have been taught, and ask the question anew. Why not let in the poor of other nations? Why not let in most everyone of these immigrants? Screen them, to prevent the criminal element from entering, and from letting the terrorists in, but let in those seeking but the American dream.
   Ask the question from the viewpoint of knowing the immigrants who are your neighbors and friends. Ask whether it was such a bad idea to let them in. What harm did it do? These are people -- some of them wonderful. That's all. Was it such a bad thing that we let them in?
  And, what if for everyone of them, we let another fifty in? What if we multiplied our immigration if not by fifty, then significantly?
  My thought is, if you know a few immigrants, you know they are just people. As I said, some are wonderful. Just letting these people in does no harm.
  So, what of the numbers? What if we opened the doors? Would a flood wash in?
  If it is the numbers we fear, then why is this not the thing that limits our immigration? You allow some growth. You can see that many, many, many can come and you are not being overburdened. So you allow quite a lot of growth.
  It is not until that number reaches an extremely high count that you pull the doors shut. If overpopulation is truly your concern, you don't hold down the numbers as much as we do.
  Let the immigrant come. Whenever there is no harm in his coming, let him come. Why would this not work? Why is this fashion of an open border not exactly what we want? Screen out the criminals and terrorists, but let in the common people until the numbers dictate a stop..
  Some would say having open borders is a preposterous idea. I hear some say that virtually no one is saying the borders should be open. Forgive, but if you look at open borders the way I just described, you will see they are the reasonable route to take.
  It seems a little preposterous to me that we don't open the borders to the extent I am describing.

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