Monday, May 6, 2019

We try to make heroes of ourselves by making heels of others.

A mind made up is more of a wall than one of brick and stone.

The heights of heaven are reached only by passing through the depths of humility.

Temptation only finds the lost.

That which you grip too tightly always slips away.

Give fear a life of its own and it will capture the life of most anyone.

Truth is defeated only when it is silenced..

If we dance with our fears, they will spin us away.

Nothing is so heavy as the weight of defeat, and no one so strong as the person who can bear it.

The fears we entertain become the realities we live.

A giant is born only when littleness is outgrown.

The fool insists he's always right, while the wise yields to reason.

Wisdom is only the student; It is foolishness that teaches the course.

Truth's only danger is that you may not you may not be prepared to hear it.

Hatred must command one heart before it can kill another.

History makes notes the present won't read.

Birds fly not in sullen skies, but wait the storm to pass.

Fear flees the storm, but finds no refuge.

When hate rules, it plays not by the rules.

The silencing of fears comes only through the whispering of hope.

When every picture is a self-portrait, you're in the gallery of pride.

If you let the mistakes of your past color your future, the painting will be the same.

The voices we listen to are the masters who rule us.

Words formed in a storm only do harm.

When in the house of friends, truth doesn't need to knock.

Truth grows weary when it has no friends.

Truth wins only when hearts are true.

Rumors are a fool's wisdom.

When the student betters the teacher, the lesson has been well taught.

You become ripe for the slaughter when your blood runs with fear.

Fear calls for retreat, while hope surges forward.

When you roll the dice, you often tumble.

Love always becomes the giant in the room.

Pride seeks the humility of others.

When words of welcome are empty, they soon fill up with hate.

Fear locks its doors, but ghosts enter still.

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