Monday, January 13, 2020

Led by Our President, Our Beliefs have become Those of a Tabloid

 I will call it, "Tabloid Justice," and lay much of our belief in at the feet of President Trump. We have become a nation that believes in Tabloid Justice, and that is in no small part thanks to our president. I wonder what is becoming of America, and how it is sinking in so many ways under this president.
  Tabloid Justice is one. (I capitalize the two-word phrase to draw importance to what is happening.)
   I think back to when he was running for president and he referenced a National Enquirer story suggesting Ted Cruz's father was involved with John F. Kennedy's assassin.
   We take a story from the National Enquirer, and we believe it? We take a tabloid, and believe its accusations?
   Tabloid Justice, then.
   Since the election of Trump, our belief in unworthy rumors . . . has it increased? He campaigned with a cat-cry of "Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up." What was the evidence against Hillary? What is the evidence? All the inquiries. All the hearings. She has become one of the most investigated, examined, and hated people in U.S. history. Yet, none of the accusations have been found to warrant formal charges. None have stuck.
   Tabloid Justice would convict her, yes. And, that is all the justice our president requires. No more evidence than what a tabloid can offer, and we should, "Lock her up."
   We were already beat into a frenzy on this one. Hillary was under attack long before Trump came along. No less credence than that of House hearings led by Utah's own U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz fanned the flames.
    This past week, an investigation into Hillary that the president himself started found nothing against her worth pursuing.
    Tabloid accusations remain, but the investigation for the Justice Department by the U.S. Attorney for Utah, John Huber, has found nothing, and the investigation appears to be near end.
    Tabloid Justice would have it different. Tabloid Justice would convict her. The chant of, "Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up," echoes much louder than the results of Huber's investigation. And, we believe it. We believe the tabloid accusations against Hillary more than we believe the results of an official investigation.
   Tabloid Justice is all we ask for. Have our standards dropped since the election of Trump? Yes, we were susceptible to the sway of rumors before President Trump arrived. But, when he was elected and took up the goblet and raised it high? With the leader of all Republicans and the very leader of our nation, itself, now leading the charge? We have become a nation of Tabloid Justice, a nation where rumors are convictions.
   May I add, Trump once led the charge of those who believe President Obama was born in Kenya. Many of you believe it. What is the evidence? None of it rises above what a tabloid would offer.
   With the election of Donald J. Trump, we have become a nation of Tabloid Justice. We wonder what harm he is doing? We wonder if he is corrupting our nation? I would suggest a shallow form of justice is corruption. When rumors are hailed as truth, the nation that believes them is corrupt.
  With a president who peddles in Tabloid Justice, comes a nation that believes in it. And, the beliefs of a nation become those of a tabloid.

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