If we saw any trial in America being filled with a biased jury, if we saw any trial where the accused was running the trial, we would shut it down and come back with a fair trial.
Now, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump is beyond such efforts? We are quite alright with what is going on?
Then -- if we are not -- shut it down. Shut it down long enough to straighten it up and bring it back right.
If we were to do this, we would have to figure out the best we could how to provide an impartial jury. With most every Democrat lining up for impeachment, and most every Republican lining up against it, we should surely see the need to try to clear the partisanship out.
I don't know that you can bring in jurors from outside the Senate. The Constitution says the Senate is solely responsible for the trial. That means, keep it in-house, it would seem.
But, the Constitution also says the Supreme Court justice shall preside. How do judges in all other courts across the nation preside? Don't they ensure fair juries? We should task Justice Roberts with interviewing all the senators, or with submitting questionnaires to them to screen out those who will be partial.
I would suggest he ask them if they have ever made any statement, or said or written anything saying they were partial. McConnell would be out.
What if they have not gone so far as to confess they will be partial, but have indicated they likely will vote one way or the other? I would ask them why. What made you make that statement? If it is the evidence, itself, allow them on the jury. The case has been before the public -- and the facts, as well -- and it is normal that a person would have an opinion after studying it.
Ask them all if they can be impartial. Straight out ask them if they can set aside the influence of their political party to render justice. Make them sign an oath that they will do so. Mention party politics, specifically, and make them sign a statement saying they will leave party alliances behind in the interest of securing justice.
Make them sign a statement saying that although they already are aware of many of the facts, they will set aside the inclinations they have built up and listen and consider the facts anew -- as if they are hearing everything for the very first time.
Now, if that is to happen, you probably will need to allow witnesses. If they are going to consider things with a fresh minds, they need to hear the evidence as if they are hearing it for the first time. You don't ask them to back up and consider everything anew if you are leaving them with no more than memories still hanging on to biases.
We need a fair trial. It is important. Our integrity must be upheld. This is about as important of a trial as we will ever have. Our desire -- demand -- for justice must be met.
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