The thought process of man? And of the delusional? Have thought about that of late. When a person is delusional, he doesn't wait for evidence. He doesn't need a hearing of the facts. He accepts for facts things that are not proven. And. he rejects things that are facts for things things he wants to believe. As I sat a while ago, typing in the above, I thought of the Senate Republicans, and of how they do not want witnesses. It is the same, then. They do not wait for evidence, and they reject what evidence there is in preference for believing what they want to believe.
I think of all the false memes I see these days, and of how, one after one, accusations leveled by Republicans turn out to be false. I imagine there are also false memes posted by Democrats, but the lying does seem to be largely the domain of the Republicans. And, these memes? Most people don't question them. They don't ask for evidence. They read the meme and are off and running with it. No verification necessary.
They might not consider themselves delusional. And, indeed, they are not crazy in the same severity as those we think of as being crazy. Still, if they allow themselves the thought patterns of the delusional when it comes to politics, then their beliefs when it comes to politics are going to be delusional.
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