Monday, September 2, 2024


The Side with No Sides 

They always want to know what my politics are
And whether I'm right or left
And if I don't pick the side they want
They suggest I'm mentally bereft

Which side are you on?
They cry at me
What kind of a fool
Might you be?

Well, I'm on the side of getting something done
That's the side I'm on
Problems we got, are problems enough
We need to put them on the run

But instead we sit, calling each other names
That's all be can think to do
And it's high time we put that in the past
It's time to start anew

They once called us the United States
And united is what we were
But these days, it's hardly that way
We're not united, that's for sure

So, which side am I on?
You ask again
Well, it's the side that doesn't have sides
It's the side that we both should be in

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