Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Teach the Students to Think for Themselves
"If your student know your political affiliation, you have failed as a teacher. You are there to help students think for themselves, not think like you," says a meme on Facebook.

I disagree. I politely disagree.

Too often we agree with what Facebook teaches us. Too often, we swallow as truth things that simply are not true. Too often -- well -- we do not think for ourselves.

Here are my thoughts:

Your students are influenced by your opinions. But, they are also influenced by how you arrived at your opinion. Did you study? Did you hear both sides? Do you respect both sides? If you want your students to think for themselves, be an example of that.

Tell them to reach their own conclusions. Teach them that just because someone says something -- even when it's you -- it doesn't mean it's true.

Teach them to be firm in their beliefs, and accepting of the beliefs of others.

We do not need apathetic Americans. We do not need people who have been taught not to endorse an opinion. We do not need people who stand on the sidelines, neither hot nor cold. Don't teach your students those things and don't be an example of them.

Teach them to have passion, but teach them to have respect. We need more Americans who stand up for what is right without putting others down. We need citizens who weigh matters, and allow others to weigh matters on their own.

The greatest political teacher is the teacher who teaches these things.


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