Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sex Trafficking with Tim Ballard
There are few people on earth as dark and deceiving and wicked as Tim Ballard. Ballard was an organizer and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), which purportedly delivered children out of sex slavery.

Do I have your attention? Probably.

I mean, how much more noble of an endeavor can you get than to save children from sex trafficking? So, why am I bouncing the other way, suggesting he is about as wicked as a person can get?

Ballard convinced women to pose as his sexual partners, saying this would allow the child sex trafficking operations to be infiltrated. And, he would persuade the women he connived into having sexual relations with him that they needed to practice, so when it came time, they would be polished enough that it would look real. And, when they arrived at the hotels in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, or wherever, he would suggest that the sex traffickers could be monitoring them, so they should have sexual activity in order to show show they were really involved in such a thing.

The New York Times this past week, after speaking to no less than 10 such victims, carried a story describing the sexual exploits of Ballard. That's right, 10. Should that not be enough witnesses to convict in a court of law? "This guy should be in prison. End of story," says one person in the comment section of the Salt Lake Tribune (which reprinted the NYT arcticle).

This past week, Ballard said there have been "an unbroken string of failures in cases against me.” The world of fools will say that proves his innocence, but the evidence in this article is overwhelming. It's overwhelming, but underwelming to a justice system that hasn't the strength to bring even such a large criminal to justice.

How can a person commit such vile crimes and get away with it?

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