On Facebook, someone tells me they lost their testimony of God trying to reconcile evolution with the creation story. They point out that plant life came the third day, and yet a day later God made two great lights, one to rule the day and one to rule the night. How can that be, we have to ask, as the sun's light would be needed for photosynthesis. How can plant life come before light?
But notice that up a few verses, if you go up to the first day, you find God had already created light for His planet. "And God said, Let there be light, and there was light." That is the third paragraph in the story. It is the fourth sentence. I find it of note that light not only comes before plant life, but that light comes so early in the creation, as that parallels science. As scientists look for life on other planets, one of the things they look for is a planet revolving around a star. This set-up of earth revolving around the sun would be one of the initial things necessary. Even so, Genesis has it in the first day. "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." That suggests a sun placed in proximity to earth as an initial step.
How to explain the fourth day repeating it all, then? I do not know the answer, but I know there is an answer.
One possible answer that settles well for me, in my mind, is that while God adjusted the light in the fourth day, the translation that came down to us does not make it clear that that was an adjustment of the lights, rather than a creation of light. It is in the fourth day that the story mentions a lesser light to rule the night. Placing a moon to orbit the earth might not have been part of the first day, but rather it came the fourth day, as the story suggests. Also, it is not until the fourth day that the light is given as something by which to count the days and the years and to divide the seasons. Could it be, that while there was light in the first day, the pattern of the earth spinning on its axis was not yet solidified, nor was the spin around the sun solidified to the time frame it eventually reached, thus the seasons and the days and the years were not established. until the fourth day.
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