The homeless deserve a home, they do, but should it be more than a homely home? Utah's legislature is considering a housing project that would benefit the homeless.
I agree you should put a roof over their head, feed them, and help them. But . . .
I guess I don't know how fancy the housing will be, or even if it will be specifically for the homeless, or anything at all about the proposed project.
But, just on the principle, what are my thoughts?
I believe in taking care of the poor. But, I also like the idea of private charity doing it, instead of government. So, are the private charities not doing an adequate job? And, if they are not, is there anyway to get the public to rally around them and help them do more?
And, should there be a housing project, even if it is the charities that built it?
I like the idea of more shelter for the homeless. Many just don't fit into the shelters. But, no, I do not know that I like a here's-a-TV-and-everything-else-you-want home. Do we make it so comfortable they don't have the incentive to go out and get jobs?
If we provide that comfortable of housing, each placement in a home should come with placement in a job, mandatory.
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