ISIS and Jordan? Measles? Nay, those are important topics, but I remain interested in evolution tonight. Now, I know it is considered an irrefutable fact that man evolved from a one-cell organism, and perhaps it is so, then.
But, I remain with questions. Like, if our species began to evolve 200,000 years ago, why are there not more of us? Look at how the earth has been filled with humans just in the last few thousands years. There have been diseases and plagues and wars to reduce the population, but it has soared upward, just the same.
So, a few thousand years versus roughly 200,000 years. Why not more people? Why was the earth not filled with people long, long, long ago? Or was it, at some point, or at many points, only to be killed off by ice ages or such? I believe the last glacial period was 8,000 to 12,000 B.C. and I am not studied enough to know if much of man was killed off at that time. No time to study tonight. But, I still wonder. Even if that ice age killed off the better part of us, it leaves about 4,000 years before the time when most say Adam and Eve were here, time for a lot of people to be added to the earth's surface.
Just saying.
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