Wednesday, February 11, 2015

DNA, not Environment, Might be Driving Force Behind Evolution

   One creature grows furry hair and a snout, and runs around on four legs. Another is shapened into somewhat like a garden hose, and crawls around on the ground, Are we to say that nothing more than adaptation to their environment brought such diversity?
   To me, it doesn't make sense. It is not enough. There must be something else that steers one creature to become one thing, and another to become another. What is it? The direction of God might be the simple answer. But, in scientific terms, it could be DNA.
   Now, I confess I don't know much about DNA.
   But, I do understand that the color of our eyes, for example, is determined by our genes, drawing from those of our ancestors. You might have several generations with blue eyes, then along comes a green-eyed child, as green was somewhere back in the genealogy of the person.
   So, what if it is the same with determining which animals evolve? What if way when it was just a simple organism, there was DNA in it that provided that some would become apes, some would become fish, and some would become birds. Just like the green-eyed child, you don't necessarily end up with the characteristics of your parent, but rather the DNA hidden for generations eventually comes to play and you grow into an ape, or a fish, or a bird.
   Once, while studying abortion, I read how the simple organism that first evolves has a DNA map that dictates what the child will look like. It is all mapped out from the start. Maybe, just as there is DNA that maps out what a person becomes, there is DNA that directs what creatures will evolve.
    There is a catch to this theory. It does go against current science. Currently, if I am correct, science holds that there is no end product. The creature evolves in no set direction. If there is advanced life on other planets, for example, then that advanced life form probably does not look like a human. The theory I am putting forth, on the other hand, comes with the thought that there might be end forms. Once the creature reaches a bear, or a horse, or a human, then that is the end, for that is the form dictated by the DNA. The creature might have different varieties, but it locks into being a bear, or a fox or a deer.
  (Note: Post slightly altered 2/17/15)


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