For the first time since opening, there will be no racing season at the Bonneville Salt Flats, no races sponsored by the Utah Salt Flats Racing Association. And, I don't believe there will be any by the Southern California Timing Association, either.
A press conference is set for tomorrow, 3 p.m., at Totem's nightclub, 538 South Redwood Road. I just happened to get wondering today about the racing season, and happened to call someone, and was told there will be no racing season and learned about the press conference.
While I was considering calling, I got thinking how maybe one of the reasons the Salt Flats gets so little attention is that it is right across the border from Wendover, There's a distatasteful association: Wendover, a gambling town, is host city. I wondered how this affects how Utah's leaders feel about events at Bonneville Speedway. And, now we learn the press conference is going to be at a night club? Is that a poke in the eye at the powers that be in Utah that don't approve of gambling, and drinking, and nightclubs?
Maybe. All I know is that the Salt Flats are an international treasure. If they are threatened, it should be a major concern. When Speed Week was cancelled short months ago, I thought how it was an important enough issue, state legislators should have gone into special session. It turned out to be big enough a deal that National Geographic wrote an article. Why not more attention from state lawmakers?
Maybe, there was nothing they could do. An inordinate rainy season is largely cited as a lead cause that the race-able portion of the Salt Flats is so short this year. In its heyday, one of the speedway courses stretched about 13 miles, but now but about 7 miles in length. Were there not enough winds this year to dry the speedway out? That's also being cited as a reason.
And, so is the mining. That concern will surely be expressed at the press conference. A group called Save the Salt will be involved in the announcement.
My thought is, if it takes money to save the Salt Flats, or if damming the mud from reaching the speedway would help, or if reducing the mining is necessary -- if any of these are things that could save the Salt Flats -- then state leaders should at least be considering this issue. You don't have an international treasure in your state and not do something to save it. If nothing else, since you are already complaining about how the BLM is not a good caretaker of lands (some state leaders so argue), then isn't jumping up and down about how the BLM is mismanaging this property in line with your agenda?
Do something, though. Call for an investigation, a study, or jump in with funding. But, do something.
I also wonder about a national monument. Fears are flying about what Utah land might be designated a national monument, yet I've never heard the Salt Flats considered. It must not qualify, for some reason. But, it certainly seems, if one of the wonders of the world is endangered, that certainly is cause for protecting it.
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