Thought I wrote this quick poem in 10 minutes, but, looking at the clock, it took about 30. Earlier today, as I drove to see Michael, I thought to write my Sunday blog on the things that make life so wonderful. Wish I would have written down the thoughts I was having at that moment. Then, as I prepared for bed, I got thinking on the value of the life my brother who is so mentally ill that it could be questioned whether his life serves any good purpose. This poem doesn't mention things necessarily that apply to Michael, but there is much for him to live for. He, too, experiences the things around him. They, too, give value to his life. I dedicate the poem to him. And, maybe someday I will come back to finish and polish the poem, for there are other things that make life worth living. I only stopped the poem short because it is way past bedtime. But, if I don't finish it, I don't think it such a bad poem just the way it is.
The value of life is in the morning sunlight,
And feeling the morning breeze.
It is in the beauty of the mountains
And in swimming of the seas.
And feeling the morning breeze.
It is in the beauty of the mountains
And in swimming of the seas.
All beauty lies about us,
And to experience it, is to live.
And to experience it, is to live.
The value of life is in overcoming
It is in facing a foe
And in seeing a challenge
And telling them, "No."
It is in facing a foe
And in seeing a challenge
And telling them, "No."
All obstacles lie before us,
And to overcome them, is to live.
And to overcome them, is to live.
The value of life is in saying "hello" to a neighbor
And, "Welcome," to a friend
It is in saying, "Good going," to a stranger,
And in meeting often with our kin.
And, "Welcome," to a friend
It is in saying, "Good going," to a stranger,
And in meeting often with our kin.
Associations are all around us,
And to have them is to live.(Index -- Poems)
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