Sunday, September 13, 2015

Why not Offer Entertainment that Helps People become Better People?

 I've spoken of turning the area west of the Salt Lake Airport into a tourist center without peer. Oh, and more than just tourists here for entertainment, bring them to learn and to meet and to share. But, much of it would be entertainment, and it has occurred to me that once you open your doors to entertainment, you might not be able to strain out that which you might not want.
   Comedians telling dirty jokes.
   Everyone wanting a cup of alcohol.
  There is also another thing that occurs to me. With every entertainment we add, we provide something that detracts us from worshiping the Savior. Not that there is anything wrong with being a chess player, or a skateboarder, or a formula 1 race car fan, but with all we do and choose to do, Christ should remain the center of our lives.
   And, it occurs to me that if we are going to try to bring people from all over the globe to participate in (or watch) their hobbies, why not also seek to bring some here to learn more about Christ, and to learn how doing good, and to participate in doing good.
   And, perhaps some of those who come to see the races at the Salt Flats, or whatever, will end up taking in one of the museums that helps make them a better person, or that brings them to Christ.
   Yes, having the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints here gives that thought a boost. There is already much the visitor can do as a result of that church being here.
   But, I've got some other ideas. Some might be hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ, if that church should so like, but others would not.
   Have a worship center, inviting people to come worship God in a non-denominational way. Not a wailing wall, but just a simple place where everyone is invited to come and worship God.
   Have a movie theater where a single wonderful, well-made movie about the Savior plays over and over. Make it a movie so well made, you are willing to travel across the nation to see it.
   Have a theater where various Christian movies are played. Is there any theater in all the world that is dedicated just to such films?
   Have a club where you come after watching movies with morals and movies that teach values. At this gathering, discussion of the movie helps reinforce the values the movie taught.
  Have the same for good books: a place -- club, if you will -- where you come to discuss good principles taught in books.
  Have a Museum of Human Values, where the good values of various societies are depicted in displays. With all the good museums in the world -- some geared towards dinosaurs, others toward wars or whatever -- is there no museum such as this? Have a museum that displays and documents the good characteristics of the Roman Empire, and the Greeks, and whatever other society we might find good in.
   Have a museum that documents how Christ has been worshiped through the ages.
   And, another hall or museum that honors social achievements of individuals. Helen Keller's teacher would be one display, and the guy who saved so many lives in the holocaust would be another, etc.
  Have a hall of inspirational poetry, where the world's most inspiring poems are on display.
  Have a museum where the best songs are played, songs that teach values, songs that have social consciousness.
  Have a room or hall or museum where nursery rhymes teaching values are presented. Or, perhaps better, have a theater where they are acted out for children.
  Have a Christianity Center, where the history of Christianity is on display.
  Have a  Center of World Religions, which depicts the good in the various religions.
  Have a Hall of Charities, a museum where the good that charities are doing is on display.
  Have a place where you can come and sign up to join a charity, not so much to donate to them financially, but to join in going to Africa to build water wells or whatever. This would be the place where you could come, see what great charity efforts exist, and take your pick to join.
  Yesterday, I posted on how entertainment affects our values, how we draw our values out of the things we see on the screen and the things we hear on the radio. If we are to change a society for the better, what more direct way to do that, than to inspire good thoughts and good values through the good entertainment we provide.

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