Fixing the entertainment of a society can be as important a social issue as there is, for we take our values more from entertainment than from most anything.
Religion? Yes, when a person is religious, that is often an even bigger influence on his or her values. But, other than religion, entertainment perhaps molds our thoughts, values and judgments as much as anything. While religion would seem the more logical place from which to gather our values, entertainment often affects us more. Entertainment is the religion of our times.
Gossip -- if I can use that word so loosely -- is perhaps the only other big factor. What we say to each other other is what we teach each other. The beliefs we share in chit-chat are a dominating influence in deciding our values.
So, the three big influences on our values: religion, entertainment, and what we say to each other.
If you change the entertainment of your society, you will change the values. If you would have a better society, one with fewer social ills, you should be conscious of the messages sent in your entertainment.
Your song writers and movie writers: these are the molders of mankind. Your singers and your actors: these are your role models.
If you change the entertainment of a society, you change that society, itself. I don't know if anything so molds a society as the songs it listens to and the movies it watches. To change the values of a society, change the entertainment.
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