Friday, May 18, 2018

Encourage Parents to Keep Their Weapons Away from Their Children

   At every juncture, we should be learning from these school shootings and using what we learn to do things differently. We should be looking at what is happening and why it is happening, and we should be responding.
  I find it strange that this is not happening. Can we not readily see part of the problem in the Sante Fe shooting, yet we see not not one word in the media about how to fix it?
  The guns of the parents are falling into the hands of the children. Now, we do have some laws requiring guns to be locked away. I do not know if Texas is among them. But, we should see such laws are hard to enforce, anyway. And, there is the question of whether you are violating a home-owner's rights. And, if you require guns to be locked away, that means they aren't as readily assessable when you are faced with a home invasion. So, these laws have their shortcomings.
   But, two things we can do. One, I'm not so sure about, but when the shooter has obtained guns not being locked away in violation of the law,  investigate whether the parents can be prosecuted for not keeping them locked up. Perhaps, in all the shootings, none have fallen into this category. And, perhaps it is perceived that such laws are not Constitutional, so those who break them are never prosecuted.
   Know this, though, if such laws were enforced in these shootings, many parents would start obeying the laws to keep their guns secured in fear of doing jail time if they don't.
   The second thing is to start a public campaign encouraging parents to lock their weapons up when there is no reason for leaving them laying around. If you need the gun to be out on the night stand to be ready for a home invasion, keep it out. But, if you do not see that need, please lock it up. We should have our president and our other leaders loud in making such a plea.
   You do what you can when you witness these shootings. Sometimes, you respond with an answer before the day is out. You look at what you can and cannot do, and you do the most you can, even if it seems like it is not much. Surely, such a public campaign is something within the reach of what can be done, and what should be done.

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