Saturday, May 26, 2018

We are not a Dictatorship, but Forcing Patriotism isn't a Good Thing

  It has always been at odds with what our country stands for to force patriotism. In a communist country, you might be forced to be allegiant, but not in America.
   As much as anything, this compelled allegiance to state is what sets the dictatorships apart from free countries. I think of Germany long ago, and of Cuba, and of the old Soviet Union -- places where allegiance was forced.
   As much as anything, requiring obeisance is what those countries are all about. Iran? Is it any different there? Forced loyalty is the mark of a dictatorship.
  So, we should be thoughtful and concerned with what happened in the United States this past week. The freedom to express oneself against the government was infringed upon. Football players were told, in essence, that acts seen as not being patriotic would not be allowed. If they show such lack of patriotism, they will be fined.
   (I think it worthy to pause, to note that those who have kneeled during the National Anthem, are almost without exception, people who do love America, and do give it homage, and do respect the sacrifice of our soldiers. It is we who judge them otherwise. It is we who judge them as doing something unpatriotic. It is we who demand that they follow our rules for their patriotism.)
   Forcing patriotism upon a people is not the mark of a free country, and that we have reached this point should be a concern.
   You might suggest it is not the government that is forcing the players to stand during the National Anthem, but a private entity (the NFL). What is being done is still wrong. Also, consider that the nation's highest official both called for action against the players and lauded it when it came. The president of the country is standing both behind the move and in front of it.
   No, we are not a dictatorship. The move by the NFL has not landed us there. But, we should be concerned about taking on the trimmings of a dictatorship. We should be concerned we are compelling patriotism, even as a dictatorship does.

(Note: The suggestion that forcing loyalty is something a communist country would do is not an original observation, as I heard it on Jay Macfarland's KSL Radio show.)

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